A philosophy

An environment and its people

Between respect for our environment and the men and women who live in it, between knowledge of our history and openness to today’s world – there perhaps lies the road.

Lionel Gosseaume: a passion for wine rooted in the family terroir

Although he has rubbed shoulders and worked with winegrowers from various regions in France and elsewhere, Lionel Gosseaume never considered practising this profession on any other lands than those of his forebears. To be fortunate enough to carry out the same actions, contemplate the same landscapes, smell the same smells and feel the same emotions as his parents and grandparents provides an irreplaceable sense of fulfilment that makes one forget the vicissitudes of the winegrower’s profession. Taking the time required, generation after generation, to explore and recognise the quality of this eastern Touraine’s terroir is a lifetime’s work.

Between tradition, innovation and respect for the terroir

This terroir, in the literal sense of the term, must be understood and preserved in order to leave future generations the opportunity to continue the adventure. Which is why, year after year, nourished by our exchanges with fellow winegrowers, researchers and so many others, we seek the best possible pathway for the exercise of our profession, with this triptych always in mind: respect our history and our natural environment, without which we would be nothing; adapt our knowledge and knowhow without dogmatism in order to harvest quality grapes, a sine qua non condition for obtaining great wines; never forget that the members of the team and their families count on the estate’s economic health in order to make a living.